Pet . Therapy. Notes...
pet loss grief.
Why We Need to Take Pet Loss Seriously
What Most People Don't Get About Pet Loss​
Pet Bereavement is No Different than Human Bereavement
Four Steps to Take After Experiencing Pet Loss
What if The Pain of Pet Loss Becomes Too Much to Bear
Owning a Dog Eventually Leads to Suffering and That's OK
My Pet Died and I Can't Stop Crying
The Moment After: Surviving Pet Loss
9 Myths About Pet Loss and What the Truth Really Is
Why Your Dog's Death May Be the Most Difficult Event of Your Life
​99 Nurturing Activities Helpful During the Grief Process
7 Self-Care Essentials While Grieving the Death of a Pet
The Pet Loss Companion: Healing Advice From Family Therapists Who Lead Pet Loss Support Groups
Ken Dolan-Del Vecchio and Nancy Saxton-Lopex
The Loss of a Pet
Wallace Sife, PhD
​When Your Pet Dies: A Guide to Mourning, Remembering, and Healing
Alan Wolfelt, Ph.D.
Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet
Moira Anderson Allen, M.Ed.
The Grief Recovery Handbook for Pet Loss
Russell Friedman
Repairing the Heartbreak of Pet Loss Grief: Three Phases of Healing After Losing Your Best Friend
C. Jeffrey​
(Links are to Spotify - search your preferred podcast provider)
I JUST discovered The Pet Loss Companion - (YouTube live episodes, or listen through preferred podcast provider)
A MUST see/hear! I don't know how I lived without this podcast! I am currently binging the past episodes.
"Hosted by family therapists Nancy Saxton-Lopez and Ken Dolan - Del Vecchio, authors of the bestselling book The Pet Loss Companion: Healing Advice From Family Therapists Who Lead Pet Loss Groups, this podcast shares experiences, recommendations, and reflections that help listeners with the loss of their animal companions. Ken and Nancy help listeners celebrate the gifts and navigate the challenges that come when we share our lives with beloved pets." - Spotify
​Coping with Pet Loss - with Dr. Katie Lawlor
"These Relationships Matter"- Grieving the Loss of a Pet
​Grief Outloud
Losing a Pet is Hard. Here's How to Cope
​Life Kit
Work Life Confidential
Loss of a Pet with Stephanie Rogers, Grief Counselor, Lap of Love
The Grief Coach
Pet Loss: The Complexities of Saying Goodbye to Our Animals
What's Your Grief Podcast
Good Grief: Taking Care of Yourself and Others in Times of Pet Loss
Believe in Dog Podcast
How Much Grace Do We Offer Those Grieving Pet Deaths?
NPR 1 (spoiler alert - AS MUCH AS ANY OTHER LOSS!)
How ​​
Grief - Kristen Buller, MA, LCSW
Veterinary Social Worker on Grief
Pet Loss Grief: The Pain Explained
Sarah Hoggan, DVM (Youtube)
Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
Lap of Love - Pet Loss and Grief Resources
visit therapy/support page for more personalized support.